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[OPIc] 교육 불참 이유 설명

by 김대리 2016. 11. 9.

교육 불참 이유 설명
Q. Here is a problem you need to solve. You are going to have to miss the second day of training. Call your supervisor to leave message. In the message, explain why you'll be missing the day of training. Then explain how you plan to make up for the missed training time.

Hi, this is a new employee that attended the training today. I think I have food poisoning. I started feeling sick after lunch and I'm in a hospital right now. I think I got it from the food that went bad.
If I continue feeling sick this way, I don't think I would be able to be present at the training tomorrow. I'm terribly sorry to inform you of this. I thought you should know about this though.
If I can't make it to the training tomorrow, I'll talk with my companions about what I'd be missing. Thank you.