상사의 은퇴 파티 준비
Q. I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. Your department is going to have a celebration party for your boss who is retiring. Call your coworker and ask three or four questions to get the details of the party.
Hi, I called you ask to some questions about the boss's retiring celebrations. I wasn't clear about the date and the location. When is the celebration? And where is it going to be held? Since our department is in charge of party preparations, do we have to be there earlier?
Are we have to prepare the name tags for the people and announcement for the celebration board on the intranet? If anyone hasn't done those yet, I'll do it. Please call me as soon as possible and let me know about those. Thank you so much.
'매일영어공부' 카테고리의 다른 글
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