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[GIU] Adjectives and Adverbs 1 (quick/quickly) ​UNIT98 Adjectives and Adverbs 1 (quick/ quickly) ​​​​​​​A. 다음의 예를 보라. Our summer vacation was too short - the time passed very ​quickly. Ice water was ​amazingly cool. ​Quickly​와 ​amazingly는 부사이다. 많은 부사들이 형용사+-ly(an adjective + -ly)의 형태로 구성된다. adjective: quick serious careful quiet heavy bad adverb: quick​ly seriousl​y carefull​y quiet​ly heavi​ly badl​y -ly로 끝나는 모든 단어들이 부사인 것은 아니다. 어떤 형용사들은 -l.. 2016. 8. 24.
[OPIc] 마지막으로 이용한 식당 마지막으로 이용한 식당 Q. What was the last restaurant you went to? What did you eat? With whom? The last restaurant I visited was a webfoot octopus restaurant, "Small Octopus President". It was an honor that my minister had found it by herself for me. We went to there to eat dinner. There was a fun rule. If we win the rock-paper-scissors game, then we get one beverage for free. My minister won the game, .. 2016. 8. 23.
[GIU] Adjectives: a nice new house, you look tired UNIT97 Adjectives: a nice new house, you look tired A. 우리는 종종 두 개 혹은 그 이상의 형용사를 함께 사용한다: My sister lives in a great clean island. There were beautiful large square rocks at the cliff. new/ large/ square 같은 형용사는 사실 형용사(fact adjectives: 사실 형용사라는 말은 한글로 임의 번역한 것)로 우리에게 나이나 연대, 크기, 색깔 등의 사실 정보를 준다. great/ beautiful 같은 형용사는 의견 형용사(opinion adjectives: 의견 형용사라는 말은 한글로 임의 번역한 것)로 물건이나 사람에게 누군가가 어떻게 생각하는.. 2016. 8. 22.
[OPIc] 자주 가는 식당 자주 가는 식당 Q. Tell me about the restaurant you usually go to. How's their menu? How do you get there? I usually go to the restaurant in the university. It is next to the library. I eat 4 side dishes menu for lunch and stew menu for dinner. And sometimes I eat pork cutlet when I don't want to eat menu on that day. The menus are changed every week. The cycle of menus is about 28 days. The .. 2016. 8. 21.