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84 No/none/any Nothing/nobody, etc. UNIT84 No/none/any Nothing/nobody, etc. A. No and none No= not a or not any: I had to drink coffee because there was no non-caffein beverage. There were no restaurants open. "How much money do you have?" "None." This money is all yours. None of it is mine. None of the storea were open. B. Nothing nobody/no one nowhere Nobody knows the future. "What happened?" "Nothing." "Where are you going now?.. 2016. 7. 27.
[OPIc] 미용실에서 겪은 경험 미용실에서 겪은 경험 I saw a boy who really dislike hair cut when I went to a hair salon few months ago. His order was before me. He started crying when he sat down on a chair. Hair dresser cut after his mother and his aunt held him. Then he shouted and cried again and again. He moved his body and head continually, so hair dresser couldn't cut his hair. Pororo which is as known as the president of c.. 2016. 7. 26.
수험일기 '16.07.25. 공부안함 압구정역과 압구정로데오역이 버스 두 정류장 차이난다는 것을 알았음. 길을 모르면 말하지 않는 것으로... 2016. 7. 26.
83 Some and any UNIT83 Some and any A. some in positive sentences: We bought some cookies. She's busy. She's got some work to do in the morning. I want something to eat. any in negative sentences: She didn't buy any presents. There isn't anybody in the house. I don't want to anything to eat. B. both some and any in questions: Would you like something to eat? Do you have any luggage? C. .. 2016. 7. 25.