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[GIU] Adjectives and Adverb 2 ​​​​​UNIT99 Adjectives and Adverbs 2 (well/fast/late, hard/hardly) ​​​A. ​Good/well Good은 형용사이고 ​well은 부사: Your Spanish is ​good. You speak Spanish ​well. 우리는 ​well을 과거분사(past participles)와 함께 사용한다. (​dressed/known, etc.) ​well dressed, well known, well educated, well paid Sofia's mother is a ​well dressed ​woman. ​well이 "In good health", 건강이 좋은 상태라는 것을 의미할 때는 형용사이다. "How are you today?" "I.. 2016. 8. 26.
[OPIc] 기억에 남는 사건, 외식 기억에 남는 사건 Q. Have you ever had anything memorable happen to you at a restaurant? Maybe someone was late or got lost. Or interesting happened during the meal. What was the situation and what happened? It was near my sister's birthday few years ago. She wanted to eat delicious food, so we went to "O" steak house. We had a free coupon for coconut shrimp, so we ordered it with two main dishes. .. 2016. 8. 25.
[GIU] Adjectives and Adverbs 1 (quick/quickly) ​UNIT98 Adjectives and Adverbs 1 (quick/ quickly) ​​​​​​​A. 다음의 예를 보라. Our summer vacation was too short - the time passed very ​quickly. Ice water was ​amazingly cool. ​Quickly​와 ​amazingly는 부사이다. 많은 부사들이 형용사+-ly(an adjective + -ly)의 형태로 구성된다. adjective: quick serious careful quiet heavy bad adverb: quick​ly seriousl​y carefull​y quiet​ly heavi​ly badl​y -ly로 끝나는 모든 단어들이 부사인 것은 아니다. 어떤 형용사들은 -l.. 2016. 8. 24.
[OPIc] 마지막으로 이용한 식당 마지막으로 이용한 식당 Q. What was the last restaurant you went to? What did you eat? With whom? The last restaurant I visited was a webfoot octopus restaurant, "Small Octopus President". It was an honor that my minister had found it by herself for me. We went to there to eat dinner. There was a fun rule. If we win the rock-paper-scissors game, then we get one beverage for free. My minister won the game, .. 2016. 8. 23.