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[GIU] UNIT108 Still, yet, and already Anymore/ any longer/ no longer

by 김대리 2016. 9. 13.

​​Still, yet, and already
Anymore/ any longer/ no longer

A. ​Still
상황이나 동작이 계속되고 있는 것을 말하기 위해 ​still 사용. 변했거나 멈추지 않음:
It's 22:00 and he is ​still in the library.
When I went to the swimming pool, she was ​still in bed.
Do you ​still want to go to Spain, or have you changed your mind?

Still은 주로 동사와 함께 문장의 중간에 옴.

B. ​Anymore/ any longer/ no longer
상황이 변한 것을 말하기 위해 ​not... anymore or ​not... any longer 사용
He does​n't work in D company ​anymore(or ​any longer). He left last year. (not He doesn't still work here.)
They used to be good brothers, but they are​n'tanymore. (or ​any longer)

​no longer도 사용가능. ​No longer는 문장의 중간에 온다:
Ace ​no longer works here.
no more을 아래와 같은 방식으로 사용하지 않는 것을 참고:
They are ​no longer friends. (not They are no more friends.)

Compare ​still and ​not... anymore:
Cho ​still works here, but Ace does​n't work here ​anymore.

C. ​Yet
Yet= until now. ​Yet은 주로 부정문 (​She isn't here ​yet) 과 의문문 (​Is she here ​yet?) 에서 사용. ​Yet​​은 화자가 뭔가가 일어나길 기대하고 있다는 것을 보여준다. ​Yet shows that the speaker is expecting something to happen.

​Yet은 주로 문장의 끝에 온다.
It's 09:00 and she ​isn't here ​yet.
Have you ​met your cute cousin ​yet?
"Where are you going for winter vacation? "We ​don't know ​yet."
종종 현재완료(present perfect)로 ​yet사용(​Have you ​met... ​yet?).

Compare ​yet and ​still:
Ace lost his job nine month ago and ​is still unemployed.
Ace lost his job nine month ago and ​hasn't found another job yet.
Is it ​still raining?
Has it ​stopped raining ​yet?

​Still은 또한 부정문에서도 사용 가능(before negative):
She said she would be here an hour ago, and she ​still has​n't come.

이것은 "she hasn't come ​yet." 과 비슷하지만 ​still... ​not은 놀라거나 참지못하는 감정을 더 강하게 보여준다.
I sent the message to her two hours ago. She has​n't replied ​yet. (but I expect she will reply soon)
I sent the message to her two days ago and she ​still has​n't replied. (she should have replied before now)

D. ​Already
어떤 일이 기대했던 것보다 빨리 발생했을 때를 말하기 위해 ​already 사용. 주로 문장 가운데 온다:
"What time is she going to hair shop?" "She has ​already left." (= sooner than you expected)
Should I tell her what I bought for her, or does she ​already know?
I've just had breakfast, and I'm ​already hungry.