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Grammar in use54

[GIU] UNIT103 Comparison 2 (much better/ any better/ better and better/ the sooner the better) ​​​UNIT103 ​​Comparison 2 (much better/ any better/ better and better/ the sooner the better) ​​​A. 비교급 앞에 사용 가능: ​much, a lot, far(=a lot), a bit, a little, slightly(=a little) Let's order takeout food. It's ​much cheaper. "How do you feel?" "​Much better, thanks." Don't go by taxi. It's ​a lot more expensive. Could you swim ​a bit more slowly? (or a little more slowly) This.. 2016. 9. 3.
[GIU] UNIT102 Comparison 1 (cheaper, more expensive, etc.) ​​​UNIT102 ​​Comparison 1 (cheaper, more expensive, etc.) ​​A. Study these examples: Should I make or buy the lunch box? You should make. It's ​cheaper. Don't buy the lunch box. It's ​more expensive. ​Cheaper and ​more expensive are comparative forms. 비교하는 형태임. 비교급. 비교급 뒤에 ​th​an 사용 가능. It's ​cheaper to go by bus ​than by taxi. Going by taxi is ​more expensive than going by b.. 2016. 9. 1.
[GIU] UNIT101 Enough and too ​​UNIT101 ​​Enough ​and too ​​A. ​Enough는 형용사나 부사 뒤: She can't swim very far. She's not ​fit enough. (not enough fit) Let's go. We've waited ​long enough. ​too...와 ​not... enough의 비교: You never stop studying. You study ​too hard. (= more than is necessary) 필요보다 더 많이 의미 You're lazy. You do​n​'t study ​hard enough. (= less than is necessary) 필요보다 더 적게 의미 ​​​​B. ​Enoug.. 2016. 8. 30.
[GIU] So and such ​​​UNIT100 ​​​​So and such ​​A. ​so와 ​such의 비교: ​so+ 형용사/부사 adjective/adverb 사용: ​so stupid, so quick so nice, so quickly I didn't like the TV drama. The story was ​​​so stupid. I really like Sofia. She is ​so nice. ​such+ 명사 noun 사용: ​such a story, such people ​such+ 형용사 adjective+ 명사 noun 사용: ​such a stupid ​drama, ​such a nice ​girl I didn't like the TV show. It was ​such a stupid ​.. 2016. 8. 28.